Saturday, December 24, 2011

Maximus Expériences / Hydroglisseur / Bateau à Vent / Solaire / electromax97 Voici La vidéo de mon Hydroglisseur. Cette expérience ne parait pas comme ca mais c'est sûrement l'innovation la plus compliqué que je n'ai jamais créé !!. Comment est ce que cela fonctionne (avec plus de précisions): Lorsqu'on clique sur l'interrupteur poussoir, 9V sont injectés dans un banc de condensateurs d'éxactement 2,5f (soit: 25 000 yf). Ensuite, ces condensateurs vont alimenter un transistor de puissance (BCE NPN) pendant exactement 26s. Celui-ci vas ensuite alimenter un relais de puissance avec l'aide des panneaux solaires qui créent tous ensembles 10V. Ce relais de puissance vas ensuite ouvrir un nouveau circuit: celui des 4 piles AA 1,2V et du gros moteur qui consomme quand même 2A sous 5V !! (=10W). Donc, Le gros moteur super puissant vas tourner pendant exactement 26s. L'hélice a été récupérée sur un ventilateur de maison, le relais, dans un micro-onde, ... Tout est 100% recup' !! (sauf les piles bien évidement) La seconde particularité de ce bateau, c'est qu'il est en carton !! et oui, il est en carton!. Mais il est protégé par bien 6 couches d'alu et bien 15 couches de papier cuisine (film plastique). Si vous avez été attentif, vous avez sûrement remarqué que a l'avant du bateau, il ya un transformateur relié a rien du tout !! En fait, il ne sert pas du tout de transformateur mais plutôt de poids pour ne pas que l'hélice touche l'eau et donc, que le bateau tourne en rond tout le temps. Il ya aussi un élément que l'on ne voit ...

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

How to Operate a Genverter Power System

!±8± How to Operate a Genverter Power System

Operating a genverter based power is not difficult, and really isn't technical. In our home, our kids knew how to read the meter, and start the generator since they were about 11 years old. The real key to operating the system correctly, is to have and understand the metering between the batteries and the charging system.

silent mode

When the system starts off with fully charged batteries, you have power in what I call "silent mode". You can have lights and other creature comforts without using any gas, since the inverter is converting the stored battery power into normal home AC. You may have certain large loads that may not be appropriate during this time because they would drain the stored energy quickly. In our home these are items like the dishwasher, the well pump, and Jackie's favorite electric iron.

Having a device or meter that measures power flowing into or out of the battery bank is very important. With the meter counting the Amp-Hours or "juice" flowing out of the battery bank, it is easy to see when we've used 30-40% of the total capacity. When this level is reached, its time to make sure we start charging in a serious way by starting up our generator charging source.

free power mode

After charging a short while, it becomes free power time, since the generator is not fully loaded with the task of battery charging. This is the time to run those big loads mentioned above. We call it free, because for the most part, this extra power not used in charging will be lost! As batteries get some charge, they accept less current and more generator power potential is lost. The most expensive part of charging it getting the batteries over that last 10% of charge. Many times we stop before then, but not always as explained below.

maintenance operation

Deep cycle batteries have a wear out mechanism that occurs when they stay below 75% charge for any length of time. It is called sulfating, and is covered in detail elsewhere on Its ironic, that batteries last the longest if you never discharge them, that is, use them! This third mode of genverter operation is used to keep the batteries healthy and to extend their life.

During normal operation, we like to do what is called an equalize charge for our lead acid batteries. It is a small investment that will help the battery bank last extra years. The charging system is run and the voltage is permitted to go to a higher than normal voltage for a few hours. For example on a 12V battery bank, we let it go up to 14.5V and watch the electrolyte in the batteries bubble some. This helps break up the sulfation that occurs during normal operation. This operation does take extra fuel, but is a good long term investment

Sometimes it is possible if we leave a few days in the summer, to let our solar charging and solar controller to automatically do the equalize charge for us! Basic genverter operation can be broken up into 3 modes; silent mode, free power mode, and maintenance mode. Your power consumption at any time should match the genveter mode. Having and monitoring your charging meter will help determine how your system should be operated at any given time.

How to Operate a Genverter Power System

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Cobra CPI 2575 2500 Watt 12 Volt DC to 120 Volt AC Power Inverter

!±8±Cobra CPI 2575 2500 Watt 12 Volt DC to 120 Volt AC Power Inverter

Brand : Cobra
Rate :
Price : $157.16
Post Date : Dec 03, 2011 19:02:36
Usually ships in 24 hours

The Cobra CPI 2575 is a 12 volt DC to 120 volt AC power inverter with 2500 watts continuous power handling and 5000 Watts peak power. This unit contains a 5 volt USB output, modified sine wave, thermal shutdown, reverse polarity protection, low voltage shutdown, low voltage alarm, 3 grounded AC receptacles, LED volt/watt meter and has remote on/off capability.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Build Your Own Solar Panels For Shocking Low Cost - Part 3 - Wiring Up Your Panel

!±8± Build Your Own Solar Panels For Shocking Low Cost - Part 3 - Wiring Up Your Panel

Today we continue our series of articles on how you can slash your electricity bills by making your own homemade solar panel out of readily available materials. You can get into this exciting technology without spending a fortune - in some cases, you can scrounge everything you need to get started. In part 3 of the series, we will take our solar panel housing we made in the part 2 article and get down and dirty with mounting the solar cells onto the substrate.

And now a brief lesson on electricity and different ways of wiring electrical components up - don't worry - it's very easy. If you are following the suggested sizing presented in this series and are building a solar panel array with 36 solar cells within it you will achieve about 18V from your panel from the 0.5V or so you will get from each cell, and 18V will be great for, say, charging a 12V battery. To get 18V from the panel each solar cell must be wired to it's neighbors in series connection, which means the positive or + from one cell is wired to the negative or - of the next. At each end of your string of cells you will have one free positive wire and one free negative wire, and the voltage between these two wires will be about 18V when the panel is active. The other method of electrical connection other than series connection is parallel connection, and you might need this if you plan on connecting together finished panels so that you still only have 18V but also have more current (measured in amps) produced by your setup. To connect panels in parallel you will connect the positives (+) together and the negatives (-) together of each 18V solar panel.

Now, back to the action. Depending on the particulars of your solar cells that you have purchased (or scrounged), it may be easier to wire the cells together in series connection before mounting them onto the substrate. If this is the case, make sure you leave enough wire between the middle two cells in the series (between solar cell number 18 and number 19) to cover the distance between the top area of the solar panel housing and the bottom area underneath the central strengthening crossbar. Mount the solar cells individually onto the substrate using one dab of silicone caulk per panel in the middle on the back of the cell. Don't spread silicone caulk all over the solar cell or all over the panel, because the expansion and contraction of the solar cell with temperature may very well crack the cell if it is glued in more than just one central point.

Make sure you allow at least 24 hours for the silicone caulk to cure completely before any further steps. We are almost done! We just have a few final steps and our fully functional, low cost, solar panel is finished and ready to usher in a new age of cheap available power. During the next article we will put the cover on, finish up the wiring, test the solar panel, and talk about a few options for using your new solar power generation setup, and also improvements you can make for your next project.

Build Your Own Solar Panels For Shocking Low Cost - Part 3 - Wiring Up Your Panel

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Future of Solar PV Electricity Generation

!±8± The Future of Solar PV Electricity Generation

The importance of solar electricity generation
With fears of carbon dioxide causing global warming and diminishing supplies of fossil fuels, a looming energy crisis is affecting all countries. As a consequence, a great deal of world-wide effort is going into the development of alternative energy technologies. At present, wind, hydro and geothermal are becoming well established with more niche roles for tidal and solar. The latter technology has two common forms, firstly solar water heating, and secondly photo voltaic (PV) solar electricity generation.

Solar water heating
For domestic hot water needs, solar hot water is starting to make significant inroads in Europe and Turkey but very little impact in the rest of the world, with the exception of China. This country has more than 70% of the world's solar water heating capacity, assisted greatly by government subsidy and promotion. (REN21 Renewables 2010 Global Status Report)

Photovoltaic Solar electricity
PV Solar from the above mentioned report shows a different picture, with Germany having the dominant usage at 47%, whereas China had less than a few percent at the end of 2009. However, whilst the power from PV in total is no more than about 15% of that of solar water, its use is spread more evenly throughout the world.

There is much research into new and improved photo voltaic technologies as well as rapidly increasing use of existing commercial products. Traditionally the cost per watt of this technology has far exceeded that of conventional power generation and not surprisingly the main development thrusts are increase in efficiency and reductions in cell costs.

The operation of a PV solar cell is based on the photovoltaic effect, when the capture of a light photon photoexcites an electron to a higher energy level. The cell is constructed as a PN junction from semi-conductor material, like the common diode, in which photoexcited electrons preferentially diffuse across the junction barrier and flow around an external circuit providing power.

Silicon single crystal solar cells
Traditional cells are made from single crystal Silicon or c-Si and produce about 0.5Volts per cell, with typical power efficiency of 15-17%. The maximum theoretical efficiency of conversion from light energy to electrical energy is about 30% and recent developments have produced examples exceeding 24%. Clearly, with an output of a mere 0.5V, numerous cells have to be connected together to produce enough voltage to work with. This is done in the solar panel where the cells are arranged in a matrix, encapsulated in transparent EVA, usually behind a glass front cover and sealed into an outer frame. The back of the panel is sealed with a polymer film backsheet, selected for its electrical insulation, toughness, and importantly, lack of water permeation. These devices are expected to last for 25 years or more and corrosion damage to the electrical contacts by water is one of the biggest threats.

Thin film solar cells
At the time of writing, c-Si PV solar cells are the most dominant type in the market by far, occupying over 80% of the market. However this position is likely to change soon with the advances being made with thin film solar cells, which form the remainder of the market. These newer cells are made from other types of semiconductors and are based on an amorphous rather than crystalline material, which is assembled in thin layers allowing it to be flexible.

There are at least three different common types in production, these being, amorphous Si (a-Si), Cadmium Teluride (CdTe), and Copper Indium Gallium deSelenide (CIGS). Mention should also be made at this juncture of dye sensitised solar cells (DSSC), which are also classified as thin film but are not PN junction based. These are referred to as photoelectrochemical cells, and were invented by Michael Grazel. As mentioned for c-Si cells, this type also needs exemplary environmental protection, with emphasis on water ingress through permeation.

While thin film cells are in general less efficient than the c-Si variety, being in the 11-13% region at present, they have some major advantages over their predecessors. Much larger single cells can be made, not being constrained by the size of a single crystal, at markedly lower cost, and their flexibility allows considerable diversity in mounting. It is possible to print the materials, which can be made into a form of inks, in layers onto wide continuous strips a metre or more wide. The resulting rolls can then be deployed in large solar collecting arrays and can even be used as an outer skin on buildings. Not surprisingly, given the volume of research into improving these thin film variants, their market share is expected to soar over the next few years.

Solar panel backsheets
Polymer film backsheets which are used for c-Si panels are often based on polyvinyl fluoride (PVF), which is frequently laminated with other materials for improved properties. The DuPont PVF material known as Tedlar is a favourite and is used to sandwich a layer of polyester film to form TPT or combined with EVA as TPE. Numerous alternative polymers are available offering trade-offs between performance/lifetime and cost. Related materials are available for use on thin film solar products, with perhaps more emphasis on performance because of the need to keep thickness down to maintain flexibility.

Water vapour permeation measurement for PV Solar Cell packaging
Clearly, the future for solar photo voltaic electricity generation looks optimistic and importantly, a major growth area. It is also likely to be a growth market for the solar cell manufacturers, as well as the equipment and instrumentation companies to support the cell production. The ability to provide definitive water vapour transmission rate (WVTR) data for production backsheet materials on a routine QA basis, is key to a reliable PV Solar Cell product. Such WVTR measurement can be provided by the Systech Illinois 7000 water vapour permeation analyser, capable of measuring from as low as 0.002 g/m²/day.

The Future of Solar PV Electricity Generation

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Friday, November 4, 2011

Solar Tutorial - DC Power, Not AC

!±8± Solar Tutorial - DC Power, Not AC

Household devices, chargers, and appliances cannot plug directly into a solar panel. Solar panels use DC power, while most household appliances use AC. But there are ways to solve this mis-match.

You've got your solar panel, now where's the outlet for your laptop? Well, unfortunately solar panels do not produce the same power that you have in your home. Solar panels produce power like you have in your car, and pocket solar chargers produce power that is like your flashlight batteries and cell phone's battery.

What do you need to get your panel to make the kind of power you need? The answer is 'converters' and 'inverters'.

First, we'll look at DC voltages, and how to make the solar panel output match the needs of your DC devices.
A converter is a device that converts one voltage to another. Converters can be as simple as an adaptor cable for a computer's USB port, and as intricate as one that converts your home's wall outlet into a power for your iPhone. In brief, converters can be DC to DC (ie one battery voltage to another), or AC to DC (ie wall charger for your batteries, phone, iPod, etc).

So, before purchasing a solar panel or pocket solar charger, make a list of all the devices you plan to power from your solar power system, and what voltages they need. For example, your laptop uses 120v AC, but the wall adaptor for your laptop actually converts this to something like 18V DC for the battery inside the laptop (the label on the back of your laptop will state what it needs, or look at the wall adaptor itself). iPods, iPhones, Blackberries, most PDA's, and other devices that plug into your computer's USB port will need 5V DC (this is the USB standard).

Once you have your list, you will be able to determine if you should get a standard solar panel with 12V output, or one of the USB models. You will need the 12V panel if you are wanting to power things as large as a laptop.

What if you need household AC power?

Sometimes it is not possible to find a car adaptor for a device that will enable it to plus into a DC solar panel. Or you might have a specific device, like a specialized camera battery charger, that only operates from an AC wall outlet. In these cases, you need to have a solar power system that can provide AC power, and the key to this is the AC inverter.

An AC inverter is a small device that takes 12V battery power, like the power in your car, and converts it to household AC power. Now, before you decide that this is the best way to go for all your devices, consider the following...

Inverters are the size of a deck of cards and larger
Inverters cannot operate direct from a solar panel
Inverters require a specific type of battery to provide them with power
Inverters will consume about 15-20% of the power themselves to meet their own operating needs
So, in brief, consider inverters to be your last option for a portable power system, when all attempts to live in the DC world have been exhausted.

Solar Tutorial - DC Power, Not AC

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

How Much Do You Know About Your Home Security System Battery?

!±8± How Much Do You Know About Your Home Security System Battery?

The batteries in a home security system are important parts of the system - perhaps the most important parts. Whether you do a home security self install or have a security company install the system, you should be aware of the battery capabilities, how often to check them, and when to replace them. This article will give you the basics.

Home Security Battery Backup
Backup batteries are used in any quality alarm system on the market. Fitted into the actual control panel, they ensure that components linked into the panel which are crucial to your security are able to run and function fully in the event of either a power failure, or in the case of a wireless system, a battery failure. These home security products are the sensors, motion detectors, sirens, cameras, etc.

Note: quality wired security systems run off electrical power with a battery backup system while wireless home security systems usually run off a lithium battery pack with a battery backup system.

Test Monthly
Backup batteries as well as wireless lithium batteries must be tested at regular intervals, at least once a month, to ensure that they are running on full power and are working properly.

Backup batteries and those used in wireless security systems to prevent, if not stop, a burglar from disabling your alarm by turning off the power, even if that means cutting the electrical wires feeding the control panel.

Battery powered wireless security systems
Wireless security systems rely on battery powered radio transmitters and receivers, without which all the essential components like cameras, sensors, motion detectors and others cannot work. They are easy to install and are mobile. They are not reliant on, or disabled by, electrical power failures.

Every quality home security system comes complete with a battery powered backup capable of running the system for as much as weeks in the event of a power failure. In the case of wireless systems, lithium batteries are designed to run for years.

Many wireless system has sensors will send an alert to the control panel if there is a problem, allowing you to take necessary action to prevent system failure. But, even if you are not able to take immediate action, the battery backup is there to save the day, allowing your security system to run until you have the opportunity to replace the main battery.

Facts on Lithium Batteries

Lithium batteries are disposable and contain anodes of lithium metal, or compounds. They produce between 1.5v and 3v which can be twice the voltage of the average alkaline or zinc-carbon batteries.

Lithium batteries are popular because they are generally lighter and can store a lot of energy in their atomic bonds due to their reactive element. This translates in to 'very high energy density'.

Lithium batteries hold a charge better. On average they lose only about 5% of their charge per month, which if you compare this to a 20% loss of other batteries, is why they are a natural choice for home security systems.

Another advantage of lithium batteries is that they have no memory effect. What this means is that you do not have to discharge them completely before recharging and they are capable of handling hundreds of 'charge/discharge cycles'.

A lithium battery can store 150 'watt-hours' of power in a 1kg battery pack. A NiMH battery which are those found in any supermarket shelf, can only store between 60-70 'watt-hours' per kilogram.

Lead acid batteries can only store 25 'watt-hours' per kilogram and it would take six of these to equal one lithium battery.

Lithium batteries are the obvious choice because of the advantages they have over alternative competing technologies.

When installing a home security system, it is best to only buy a system with a battery backup, so if there a power failure your system will remain on alert. It is very important that you pay attention to the batteries. These are the life's blood of the system. If they fail, and you are not aware of it, your security system is compromised or even useless depending on the system you have installed. It is wise to set up a schedule to check your batteries periodically as suggested by the manufacturer of your system and replace them if necessary.

How Much Do You Know About Your Home Security System Battery?

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Alternative Energy And Wind Energy - Wind Energy Literally in the Palm of Your Hand

!±8± Alternative Energy And Wind Energy - Wind Energy Literally in the Palm of Your Hand

Wind power has historically played a big part in US culture. During the 1920s and 1930s, farms throughout the Midwest took advantage of wind power to generate electricity for their lights and electric motors. When our government started actively subsidizing the construction of fossil fuel based power plants and the associated utility lines, wind power fell into decline. Similar to energy efficiency, during the energy crisis in the 1970s, things that were old became new again. Now with growing environmental concerns being expressed globally many people are once reexamining wind power.

Wind Energy Basics

One form of energy, wind (a form of solar energy), is converted to another form of energy, electricity, using a wind turbine. As the turbine spins, electricity is generated. Similar to solar power, wind power is protected from inflation. How? Any power you generate using your own wind turbine goes against the current utility pricing. Wind power can effectively shield you from rising electricity costs.

Wind Energy in the Palm of My Hand?

As consumers show renewed interest in renewable energy sources like wind, product manufacturers are already rushing to respond. One of the most interesting consumer wind technologies is both amazingly inexpensive and amazingly small. How small? You can hold this particular wind turbine in your hand - while it's generating electricity.

The HYmini

A product of MINIWIZ Sustainable Energy Dev. LTD, the HYmini is a revolutionary new green product. While I've frequently seen many small consumer versions of solar technologies, specifically designed to power your cell phone, PDAs and MP3 players, this is the first handheld wind turbine I've encountered.

The HYmini combines a small wind turbine designed to generate power in wind speeds between 9-30 miles per hour with an internal 1200mAh lithium ion polymer battery. The HYmini maxs out it's ability to convert wind into electricity at 40 miles per hour. The battery is good for about 500 complete charge cycles. The HYmini is literally a green power station that you can hold in the palm of your hand.

The inventors of the HYmini pushed the envelope and added a few more impressive green features. To maximize the flexibility of their new device, they allowed for the HYmini battery to be externally recharged. That means in a pinch you can plug your HYmini into any USB port or conventional 100-240V wall plug and instantly start recharging.


If plugging your HYmini into your electrical outlet isn't green enough for you then consider the miniSOLAR option. miniSOLAR is an inexpensive solar panel designed to work with the HYmini. Thanks to HYmini's ability to externally recharge, you can easily add up to four miniSOLAR panels to recharge your HYmini using solar energy. Each miniSOLAR panel can add up to 140mA at 5V of recharging power. Staying with the eco-friendly theme, the MINIWIZ team houses each miniSOLAR panel in a recycled card board paper package.

HYmini Applications

HYmini is perfect for both runners and cyclists and to encourage it's use in both those markets the MINIWIZ team offers both a bicycle mount and an armband. If the wind is a little slow on a particular day then why not add some human energy to the mix. The HYmini will literally be generating electricity while you are burning through calories.

Ignoring the wind turbine for a moment, the HYmini, is also the perfect rechargeable backup battery pack for all your mobile electronics. This expands possible uses for the HYmini exponentially.

Talk To Me About Power

Thanks to some useful testing completed by MINIWIZ we have some hard facts regarding power generation for the HYmini. According to MINIWIZ using the HYmini wind turbine or the miniSOLAR panels you can capture enough energy in 20 minutes to power:

A MP3 Player for 40 minutes A PDA for 40 minutes An iPod for 30 minutes A Cell Phone for 4 minutes A Digital Camera for 20 pictures

To capture that much wind energy you will however need constant 19 mile per hour wind speeds. The solar panels will need direct sunlight as well. You can learn more about the HYmini and the miniSOLAR panels at the following website:

As technology advances, you can expect to see many more unique green technologies such as the HYmini. Wind power is a lost part of our culture, a part we have recently started to reconnect with and the HYmini offers consumers an inexpensive way to implement wind power in their lives today. Using devices like the HYmini can reduce disposable battery usage and waste. When batteries are improperly disposed of and end up in landfills or incinerators, they inevitably leak into our environment and eventually end up in our food chain. Take part in the new wind power revolution and reduce your battery usage, the environment will thank you for both.

Alternative Energy And Wind Energy - Wind Energy Literally in the Palm of Your Hand

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

HJS Solar Panel Universal 20000mAh Portable Backup External Multi-Purpose Charger Battery Power Supply for Laptop Notebook Netbook Tablet PC

!±8± HJS Solar Panel Universal 20000mAh Portable Backup External Multi-Purpose Charger Battery Power Supply for Laptop Notebook Netbook Tablet PC

Brand : HJS | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Oct 02, 2011 09:36:35 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

High Capacity Solar Charger Battery for PC Laptop + Mobile Phone description:20000 mAH portable solar charger and battery for recharging your laptop PC or mobile phone anywhere. Our Exclusive model - High Capacity Solar Charger Battery for PC Laptop + Mobile Phone - is the perfect green gadget for the modern traveler!Either plug this laptop and cell phone accessory into your car or a wall plug to quickly recharge the battery, or go all green and convert solar energy to electrical energy. This is a multi use item that lets you recharge anything from 5V products such as your ipod or mobile phone, to almost any 16V ~ 22V laptop, and with the incredible amount of included adapters, you will never have to worry about which product you plug in. Simply select the current for your product, attach the correct adapter, and watch it charge.This is a perfect device for anyone in the wild, at home, or just about anywhere you can think of.At a GlanceBattery with solar energy recharge for today's most popular cell phones and laptops.This portable power source can be recharged quickly via AC adapter or via the sun when you plan your recharging schedule ahead.Product NotesCircuit Protection- Overcharge- Discharge- Short Circuit- HeatIncluded Wall AC Adapter + Car Cigarette Power AdapterIncluded 13 Laptop Adapters to work with most laptops- ASUS, HP, Samsung, ACer/T1, Dell, IBM, NEC, Toshiba, SonyIncluded 13 Mobile Phone Adapter to work with most mobile phones- Motorola, LG, Nokia, Samsung, Siemens, Sony Ericsson, AppleUltrasonic Mosquito Speaker: Emits high pitched frequency sound to repel mosquitoesPackage ContentsSolar Charger BatteryManualMobile Phone AdaptersLaptop AdaptersAC Power AdapterCar Cigarette Power Adapter

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Stand-alone PV system

!±8± Stand-alone PV system

A photovoltaic solar cells that convert sunlight into electricity. A photovoltaic system contains many different elements, such as cells, electrical, mechanical joints, fasteners and a way to convert the electrical output. Due to the low voltage of individual solar cells are typically 0.5 V solar cells in photovoltaic modules, which are then linked together to form arrays.

The electricity produced can be stored in an autonomous system in a plant or island, preserved inPowered by batteries or a mains larger. For the power level, power generators for home use for residential systems, or hybrids are used. Depending on the application of energy production, the balance of the output may be different. The balance of production (BOS) depends on the load profile and the type of system.

Stand-alone systems - This should not depend on centralized generators or grid connection. Stand-alone systems can be so smallas a calculator or as large as a spaceship. If the load does not depend on sunlight, the current must be buffered by a battery. Where weight is not important, lead-acid batteries are used.

Charge controllers are used to damage the battery by connecting and disconnecting the battery to prevent excessive. To maximize the performance of solar cells, modules optimized with a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) system. In very small devices, only the DC is used. In large systems such asBuildings and houses, you need AC. The inverters are used to convert DC to AC.

The important thing to keep in mind is the ultimate use of solar photovoltaics. This will help you decide if you need a charge controller, inverter, or other type of attachment.

Stand-alone PV system

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Universal Solar Charger advantages and disadvantages

!±8± Universal Solar Charger advantages and disadvantages

In these days of increasing dependence on technology and gadgets, many people have made the choice to buy a solar charger universal. With more people to buy Web connected devices, the need to maintain such equipment receiving power is more important than ever.

Solar energy works by converting the sun's energy into electricity supplied. The solar panels are made of photovoltaic cells, these cells were the first time by Bell Laboratories in early 1950. In short, PVWork cells with the power of light itself. The light is mainly made up of photons, which consisted of creating an imbalance within electric photovoltaic cells on impact with the surface. This imbalance causes an electric current to flow in an electrical circuit created on the device. This current can power a device can be directly or, more frequently used in case of a solar charger, a battery, which can then be used to provide power to another device to be used free of charge.

AUniversal Solar Charger good can be connected to a variety of devices. They connect either through the use of different tips for the devices, or alternatively can be physically connected to the batteries, the device could contain. A good quality battery charger is also able to fully charge the device via an internal battery.

It 'easy enough to reach the main advantage of a solar charger, above all, that does not require external power to recharge a device. This is extremely useful whenwill be to spend some 'time away from the network. Examples are when hiking or camping outdoors, or if the visit to a music festival, which has only toilet facilities not to mention electric!

Solar energy is also extremely environmentally friendly. Most of the national electricity produced is supplied either by coal / gas fired power stations and nuclear power. Both types of power generation for the production of harmful byproducts that can damage the environment. Coal / gas burning powerStations produce large quantities of greenhouse gases, while the risk of radiation is generated by nuclear power will never be completely dismissed.

In contrast, solar energy is a form of renewable energy. Along with wind and tidal power generation is a clean form of power that creates no greenhouse gases and no risk of radiation.

The next big advantage is cost. After purchasing a solar charger there are more costs to recharge the device, as opposed to power, which seemsIncrease in costs every six months!

The biggest disadvantage of solar chargers is that they must work light. The efficiency of photovoltaics must be in the last decade or so has increased and reached the point where they do not need direct sunlight to work, but now this is a satisfactory even under a cloudy sky. But there is something to be aware that depending on where you should be based on the world.

Load the device using a solar charger can alsobe much slower than a charger. This is due to the current from the solar panels far less than what you see is generated at home. Universal Solar Charger are trying to overcome this by using a lithium ion battery inside. This type of battery are very good at solving a higher fee than the traditional Ni-Cad, to create a higher current in its charging circuit.

This summarizes the main advantages and disadvantages of a universal solar charger.

Universal Solar Charger advantages and disadvantages

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Learn How to Build Solar Battery Chargers

!±8± Learn How to Build Solar Battery Chargers

Solar Charger compensate economic and ecological terms. It 's always better when you consider that not everyone uses electricity to recharge the batteries, if you use the power of the sun.

What you need:

1) AA Battery Holder
2) 9-volt battery clip (this is to connect to the battery holder)
3) 8 x Solar Cells 0.5 V, 20 to 50 mA in full sun
4) IN5818 Schottky Diode

This is a very simple circuit thatdoes not provide rules. All you have to do is to disconnect the battery when fully charged.

The Schottky diode prevents battery recharge 'flows through the solar cells, if no charge is left. Schottky diodes have the advantage, not to undermine much of the power of our solar cells, maximizing the amount by which the batteries will be delivered.

If you live in a climate where the sun is a rare pleasure, and is often cloudy happen, you might want toto experiment with a couple of additional cells in series to increase the power produced.

The construction process isn't difficult at all. There are wide arrays of cases available that are suitable for housing such projects. If you can get housing with an integral battery holder, you find it will make neat work of housing the project.

House the cells in a way that they are shaded and well protected from the sun. Take note that If the cells get overheated, their electrolyte leaks. That will damage the cell and making a mess.

Learn How to Build Solar Battery Chargers

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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Brunton Solaris USB 4 Watt 5v Foldable Solar Panel

!±8±Brunton Solaris USB 4 Watt 5v Foldable Solar Panel

Brand : Brunton
Rate :
Price : $208.95
Post Date : Sep 08, 2011 06:50:58
Usually ships in 24 hours

Extra panels for higher output when needed, with the same all-conditions versatility of the original Solaris USB.

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Friday, September 2, 2011

Yacht Power Inverters - A Guide

!±8± Yacht Power Inverters - A Guide

Power inverters

Computers, hi-fi and microwave ovens use considerable power, so if you're considering using them on board you'll probably need power inverters.

An inverter is probably one of the first extras most owners consider buying for their boat, whatever size it is. The ability to use 240V equipment when you are on passage or moored away from a shore supply is prized by most people. At the same time, an inverter is one of the easiest items to install, providing you understand the basic steps involved. Inverters range in size from 50W to 4kW, and can power most items that you now plug into the mains, but you need to understand their limitations, and for that you need to understand what makes them tick.

How they work An inverter takes low-voltage direct current (DC) from batteries, usually 12V or 24V, and converts it to high-voltage alternating current (AC), either 110V, 230V or 240V. The process is the same as your battery charger, except in reverse, and some combi models double as chargers, using the same basic electronics inside. Early inverters used transformers to step the volts up, and were heavy, but most modern models use solid-state electronics, both to step up the voltage and to convert the current from DC to AC, and are correspondingly lighter.

Domestic mains supply voltage follows a sine-wave form with a rounded top as the current alternates. But, while this wave form is easily produced by a rotating generator in a power station, it's more complex and costly to produce electronically and wastes more power. Instead many inverters use a modified sine-wave, or quasi sine-wave, which has a flat topped or square curve. The modified sine-wave powers most AC equipment, but can struggle with some items, particularly electronics with internal power supplies and digital timers like computers, TVs and microwave ovens. Recently the internal power supplies for most electronic equipment have changed to switch-mode systems, which better handle poorer quality incoming AC. At the same time, the standard of the best modified sine-waves has improved markedly, close to that of a pure sine-wave.

Yacht batteries and marine batteries

An inverter can provide high outputs but all this power has to come from your batteries. Short burst high power appliances like a microwave oven, kettle, toaster or hair-dryer are fine, but to run heaters or machines for long, you need a very large battery bank or engine power.

As we have said, virtually anything that you now plug into the mains can be run from an inverter, but the size of your unit governs what it will power. Up to 500W you can run computers, TV, hi-fi, battery chargers for your mobile phone and cameras, and even a 240V domestic fridge, though not always all at the same time.

Up to 1,000W, and you can add a small travel hair-dryer. For most people however the big plus is being able to run a microwave oven and for this you will need at least 1,500W, preferably 1,800W. Don't be confused by the 60OW or 80OW rating on most microwaves. This is the useful cooking power they generate, not the amount of power going in, which will be double this figure.

And at this size, your inverter should also power a standard hair-dryer, plus possibly a kettle, toaster and coffee-maker, though these may require 2kW.

Installing an inverter is within the capabilities of a competent DIY electrician, but if you've any doubts, leave it to a professional. A 2kW, 12V inverter will be drawing up to 200A from your batteries, more than many engine starter motors, so you need large diameter cables, short runs, and good connections. For the higher output models, use 50mm cables (35mm for lower outputs), a maximum of 1.5m long with properly crimped lugs, not screw connectors as they work loose. Anything less and you could lose too much power down the line, which means reduced performance and possibly tripping the inverter. You need proper cable from a battery dealer or automotive electrical supplier. Measure the exact length you want before you buy. They will probably crimp the terminals on for you, but check the diameter of the studs. Most batteries will be 8mm, but the inverter may be l0mm.

If you have to mount the inverter further away, use 70mm cable, or two 35mm cables in parallel for both positive and negative.

Unless a main input fuse is already fitted, you'll have to fit a 250A fuse in the supply line. It's also a good idea to have a separate battery master switch in line, so you can disconnect the unit completely. This must be capable of taking 250A continuous load. Check the size of its terminal studs - they will usually be l0mm.

The DC input terminals on some units were very close together, risking short circuit. If there are no plastic terminal covers, fit your own.

Your battery bank is a major consideration when fitting any but the smallest inverter ...If you take 200A out of a fully-charged 200Ah bank, the voltage at the battery terminals will drop from 12.6V to 11.0V at the inverter. If the bank is only half-charged, the voltage could be down to 10.5V, close to the low voltage tripping point of 10.0-10.5V.

If you're fitting a 21kW inverter, you should have a minimum of 400Ah batteries, preferably 600Ah. For a 1 kw unit, you will need 200Ah, preferably 300Ah.

All these figures assume the engine is not running, which is the usual situation when moored. If you start it up, you will get an input from the alternator, and the battery volts will rise, which will improve the situation, but you should not rely on this.

The condition of your batteries is also important. High continuous current drains will hammer the bank, and quickly find out any weak cells. Gel or AGM batteries will be better able to handle continuous heavy loads.

The 230V output from the inverter will be either one or more sockets on the front, or you may have to hard-wire a cable internally Again, only do this if you are sure of your proficiency. UK three-pin outlets are best fitted sideways or upside down so that large plugs or power-supplies dont foul the base.

Because the inverters have to be close to the batteries, they will usually be mounted in the engine space, or at least away from the galley area. But because most of them have a continuous residual current drain in standby-mode, you don't want to leave them permanently switched on. A remote control panel allows you to turn off the inverter when it's not needed.

Ideally you should fit a change-over switch in the output circuit to switch the incoming AC power between shore supply, generator, and inverter. It's important that you don't have two different power sources feeding into your ring main at the same time. Make sure you get the polarity right when connecting the DC or you could damage the unit

Any piece of electronic equipment will give a high short-term output, but will quickly cut out as it heats up. Best practice is to use the continuous rating to describe the unit. Having said that, the intermittent rating is important, as some pieces of AC equipment, particularly those with motors in them, have a start-up surge that needs a short burst of higher power.

Most power inverters drain a continuous current when switched on, even when you're not using them. This standby current will be at least 2A, sometimes more, which, over 24 hours, it could drain 50Ah or more from the batteries.

This is why a remote control is important. Some models have a powersave mode. This sends the unit to sleep while nothing is connected and wakes it up when it's needed. The drawback to this is that tiny currents, like the timer light on a microwave, will not trigger the unit, so the microwave won't start. Your mobile phone charger will also probably not activate the inverter, so you still need to turn it on manually.

Yacht Power Inverters - A Guide

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

FatCat FC-2.5 Solstice 2500mAh Solar Portable Battery Pack For Blackberry,iPod,LG,Nokia,Motorola,Samsung,Sony Ericsson,Sony PSP,Gameboy

!±8±FatCat FC-2.5 Solstice 2500mAh Solar Portable Battery Pack For Blackberry,iPod,LG,Nokia,Motorola,Samsung,Sony Ericsson,Sony PSP,Gameboy

Brand : FatCat Power
Rate :
Price : $99.95
Post Date : Aug 30, 2011 08:50:29
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The Solstice 2.5 is designed for any traveler who plans to be away for a few days and, of course, for outdoor use where its solar panels provide assured emergency power for digital cameras, GPS's, 2-way radio, etc. With an extensive range of tips both supplied and available, Solstice 2.5 meets the power needs of all popular hand-held devices. Pack includes: Solstice 2.5 charger, 110V-240V AC/DC adapter, master cable, travel pouch, 11 tips for all popular devices. Compatible with: iPod, Blackberry, Nokia, Mini Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, Sony, Ericsson, LG, MP3s, PDAs, PSP, GPS, etc.

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Friday, August 26, 2011

All-In-1 Charger with 52,000mAH Li-Pol Battery

!±8± All-In-1 Charger with 52,000mAH Li-Pol Battery

Brand : | Rate : | Price : $318.00
Post Date : Aug 26, 2011 21:36:47 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Streamline design, small size, light weight; Applicable for almost all types of laptop(including IBM Lenovo and Apple), all popular cell phones and countless electronics; Choosing from 36 different adaptors, you have the power for most of your electronics. Exclusive maximum output: 24V 4A 96 W, capable of recharging large truck's battery.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Powerfilm USB AA Solar Panel Charger

!±8±Powerfilm USB AA Solar Panel Charger

Brand : PowerFilm
Rate :
Price : $74.99
Post Date : Aug 24, 2011 19:27:51
Usually ships in 2-3 business days

114582 Features: Capable of charging batteries in 4 hours of full sun; charging lights indicate charging progress and completion Secure it using the 6 built-in grommets Solar operation: 36 v, 4 amps USB charging: 5 v, 1 amp Specifications: Weight (without batteries): 49 ounces Dimensions: 3.25 x 5.5 x 1.38 inches (folded); 24 x 5.5 inches (unfolded)

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Outside optimal portable solar charger

!±8± Outside optimal portable solar charger

Solar chargers are becoming very popular, but they are still new technology for most users. What should I know?

John has discussed the issue in general, and gives some tips to ensure you get the most from your solar charger.

Portable solar chargers come in many forms.

They range from mobile phone size with a single solar cell and to accept a plug for the charger cable with large portable folding solar panels, as a closeNotebook.

Some mobile phone manufacturers have toyed with the idea of ​​integrating a solar system in the back of a mobile phone to enable solar energy to recharge, in addition to the normal charger, but realistically, that is not likely for economic reasons, because the phones phones use materials that eventually become obsolete, or simply out of fashion. He can dispose of another component. We have already caused significant environmental damage caused by irresponsibleDischarge of electronic equipment and should not be that add Tally.

This idea is the same fate as the TV / VCR (which also remembers that?) Much better to use a solar cell has the ability to separate the universal charge are bound to fail. The solar charger can then consider providing more personal devices. But, who knows, maybe I'm wrong! we may soon see, notebooks and PDAs with built-in solar panels!

Back to our main argument, charging that use the sun to generate electricitythat is used is stored in a battery, if necessary, a very useful and environmentally friendly alternative to the AC-powered. You can, for example, if you are camping, without the need for long extension agreements or noise generators!

Some portable solar charger and solar panels can be connected directly to a device that requires electricity to be connected, for example, the Soldius solar chargers have voltage regulator with MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) charge integrated electronicsHandy efficient. This is a stylish portable solar charger with a single socket for the charging cable and a selection of adapter tips that connect to accept a cell phone or other devices.

Soldius can not say the device is a small and compact, but the lack of an internal battery, it can store energy for later use than other solar chargers, so it's actually better, a mini-solar generator with a voltage regulator integrated. TrueEnvironmentalists see this as an advantage, because the batteries are one of the worst offenders of environmental contamination by heavy metals. In fact, eco-advocates would like to hear that most of the solar chargers are environmentally friendly Li-ion batteries. Lithium-ion cells are environmentally friendly because they do not use heavy metals.

We must distinguish between the portable solar charger and solar panels.

A solar charger can save a unit capable of solar energy for later use, becauseinternal battery to store charge. The solar panels are portable units of one or more solar panels, and sometimes attacked solar regulators, such as solar panels made Ecopia folding.

A useful feature of most solar chargers is the ability to increase the internal battery by means other than solar energy, such as USB-connected computer or power of a 12-volt car accessories outlet, if not the immediate solar power available. The supporters could see the greenthis as a betrayal of "negative energy brown" sector, but that should not be so, you can run your laptop with solar energy and battery of a vehicle is recharged while driving and usually has the energy surplus to sell.

Not all solar charger can fully charge your phone will be.

Why? because the solar charger on another battery to recharge the solar batteries and these are usually not large enough to offer a full charge.

A typicalSolar battery has a capacity of 1000mAh and is a typical cell phone battery 750mAh.

Now you might think, a 1000mAh battery should fully charge the battery 750mAh, after all its 25% larger.

Not so. As the phone battery charged, is expanding the internal resistance and voltage of the solar charger can not be easily overcome this internal resistance when the phone battery has reached a certain state of charge.

Voltage (V) is the electric pressure, the same current flow(I) multiplied by the resistance (R) V = IR

. The internal resistance of the solar charger drops its load and then decreases the voltage, but the contrary is happening in the phone's battery as it is, its internal resistance is increased to the point raised, if it is higher than the solar system is charged with battery voltage As current flows in it no more and no longer loaded. The best solar charger to help you make intelligent electronicmost from the charger, but at the end of the day, you can not cheat physics and the only way to improve this situation, the solar charger should be increased.

For this reason, most solar charge controllers, such as battery voltage changes have increased the load so that the battery is fully charged.

Always choose one of the largest solar battery charger.

Therefore, when choosing a watch solar charger solar battery capacitycorresponds to the view in milli-ampere-hours, for example 2000mAh (2000 milli-amp hours) thousands of milli-amp or an amplifier. In terms of battery capacity is 1 A of current for two hours, 100 milliamps for 20 hours, 200 milliamps for 10 hours, etc. are available. before going up. Well, this is not entirely true, because the battery voltage will drop about 20% capacity and the battery may sound flat at this point, and this is one reason for charging a batteryanother battery is not good as a constant power supply. Use solar charger Li-Ion (Lithium). Ion batteries are the new type of light, low battery and have advantages over conventional Ni Cads and the old lead-cells, are lighter and can do more, before being discharged back office and, especially, are respectful of ' environment.

Always choose a solar charger with the largest solar panels

Once you choose your solar charger with a battery big enoughYou must use solar cells to recharge the battery. Select (we call it solar collectors, but strictly speaking, a solar panel generally consists of a panel separate from the larger solar cells), solar charger, solar cells with larger

Sometimes the size of solar cells is not indicated in watts, but given the current and voltage (volts and amps), then the power amplifiers are Volts, multiply (W = IV), such as a specific solar cells could declare : 5.5Volts / 330 mA. Multiply by 5.50.33A found in watts, is therefore about 1.8 watts of output.

Due to these facts is a solar charger with some confidence that you can choose to meet your needs.

Outside optimal portable solar charger

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Coleman Solar Panels Home Solar Panels VS

!±8± Coleman Solar Panels Home Solar Panels VS

Solar panels (photovoltaic panels) convert light into electricity. Usually on a roof of a house they mounted systems can be installed and a solar tracking system are to improve efficiency. The electricity produced, both for commercial solar cells or homemade solar panels, is a battery and / or DC-AC inverter-fed. Many smaller applications, boats and recreational vehicles do not drive. With sufficient power, a system capable of providing all the electricity in your homeNeeds. However, the investment is considerable. The installation of a 6-week comprehensive home can cost more than $ 40,000.

With the brand Coleman ICP produces glass plates covered with a plastic frame weather-resistant, cables, leads to the battery (to avoid overload), a charge controller and protection diode to prevent discharge into the night. Your cells are made of amorphous silicon. Even if the panels are much smaller for small applications available to use for the products include a full-scale 130-WSolar Charger with 8 amps of 16.5 V output at a price of about $ 1,000. The dimensions are 59.75 "x 28.5". Two windows to the 260W costs about $ 2000 and provides three options panel provides 390 W for your jumbo-camper or boat $ 3000. In just over a week for a cabin would be nine grid panels for more than $ 9,000. Six weeks for a house would cost $ 15,000.

Homemade solar panels can save $ 10,000 or more the cost of wood. Multi-crystalline silicon solar cells become available at a lower priceat $ 0.10 / W. For example, a package is ($ 1.38/cell) of 138 solar panels for about $ 190 each 3 "x 6" cell delivers 1.7 watts of 3.5 amps to 0.5 volts corresponds to 100 MW / sq inch the normal output for multi-crystalline silicon solar cell. The cell size can vary, but MW / m not inches. This means a cost of $ 0.80 / W.

A huge pot (17 sq m) with 138 cells would be 235 kW. However, a configuration more manageable, two 39 "x 39" (8.5 m) panels of each delivery118 W. Another possibility would be three 29 "x 29" panels (5.7 square meters) will offer 78 W each. Six orders flat enough to generate nearly 1.4 KW for $ 1,141, enough to make serious dent in your electricity bill or the performance of a hut. A whole house (6 KW) may be supplied with solar energy in the house for about $ 5000.

At a price of $ 220 or 15% more, a DIY kit for the above package includes cells (138), 150 'wire Tab, 25' wire bus, diodes 6A and pens flow. Comparison with the cost$ 15,000 for 6 KW of solar panels Coleman. In addition, multi-crystalline cells, compared with solar modules Coleman amorphous silicon cells require more time. In general, the life of a new roof or more matches. Of course, the wiring in the home solar panels, and require the construction of a frame.

Before you start your solar energy project is the right step-by-step instructions for the design, wiring, tools and materials needed. A good place to start your free report and theVideo-on homemade solar panels on the income below.

Coleman Solar Panels Home Solar Panels VS

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